Christianity Mod 1.9.2

Here’s the new version for CK2 3.1.1:

Here are the changes since the last version:

    1. Merged in changes from 3.1.1.
    2. Regenerated history files to accommodate base game changes.
    3. Fixed bug with bastard legitimization introduced in 1.9.0.


Christianity Mod 1.9.0

Here’s the new version for CK2 3.0.1:

Here are the changes since the last version:

  1. Merge in changes from Holy Fury, including lots and lots of changes were needed to fit the mod.
  2. Add lustful, incest, and priestess whore features for religious reformations. If an AI character is doing the reformation, the overall amount of lustful activity that rulers following that religion have engaged in will affect whether they pick lustful features. This is a new mechanic that’s not visible in-game, so I’ll explain how it works. Every time a ruler does something lustful which is generally known, the lustfullness of that ruler’s religion will increase. It must be known to the public–for example, seducing someone and not getting caught will have no effect, but seducing someone and getting caught _will_ have an effect. The amount that the relgion’s lust increases depends on how many people are directly involved in the event. This ranges from getting caught seducing someone (affects only two people) to an outbreak of the Eros Plague (affects everyone). The size of the ruler’s realm is also taken into consideration. For example, the ruler of a huge empire getting caught seducing someone can have a bigger impact on religion lust than an outbreak of Eros Plague in a single-holding county.
  3. Catholic women (and others who have gender equality) can now rule merchant republics.
  4. Various traits that affect combat rating have been updated to account for the much wider range of combat ratings in Holy Fury.
  5. Catholics look for lustful and seducer/seductress in candidates for sainthood.
  6. Voters in elective succession don’t like victims. Voters from lustful religions do like exhibitionists and exclusive whores, while non-lustful religion voters dislike them.
  7. Catholic mothers can take a vow of lustfullness instead of a vow of chastity.
  8. The Pope will ask excommunicated Catholics for a vow of nymphomania instead of a vow of celibacy.
  9. Catholic women can now have consorts.
  10. Some performance increases using new engine features.
  11. New event for spouses visiting courts with lustful religions.
  12. The Papal AI now correctly considers chaste and lustful.
  13. The cadaver synod event now recognizes that the Pope can be a Meretrix.
  14. The heavy armor artifact is no longer available at the cloth workshop. This armor predated the base game’s artifact/smith system, and didn’t really make sense any more.
  15. Brothels and cloth workshops no disappear when built in a castle owned by a Doge whose family later loses control of the republic.
  16. The brothel and cloth workshop decisions are now available if the necessary buildings exist anywhere in a province, not just the capital holding.
  17. The buggy volcano event (inherited from VIET via nadamod) has been removed.
  18. The spiritual guidance decision now removes chaste for Catholics.
  19. Catholics are now happy when their family member marries a whore.
  20. Fixed some cases where a character could get syphilis before it had been brought by the Aztecs.
  21. Gluttonous cumdrinking women don’t get fat.
  22. Voice of Jesus events now remove chaste or give lustful for Catholics.
  23. The special death text for bastards and children of consorts no longer appears for Catholics, who don’t care.
  24. Fathers of bastard daughters are now as likely to acknowledge/legitimise them as they are for sons if they have gender equality.
  25. Followers of lustful religions will now be happy any time their wife has a child, regardless of whose it is.
  26. The wife in the “family member marries an angel” event will now be lustful for Catholics.
  27. Fixed the cumdrinking event chain so you can now get to the end.
  28. Partially fixed a bug where a ruler who wasn’t actually leading troops could still get raiding flavor events. It is still possible for a ruler who’s leading troops somewhere else and not raiding to get the events if troops he controls are raiding due to an engine limitation.


Christianity Mod 1.8.1

Here’s the new version for CK2 2.8.2:

Here are the changes since the last version:

  1. Merged in changes from CK2 2.8.2.
  2. Regenerated history files due to changes in base game titles and names.
  3. Rewrote handling of age checks for immortal characters to use an engine feature that was added in 2.8.2.
  4. Added some additional heir texts (shown describing the new ruler when the previous one dies) for mod traits.

Christianity Mod 1.8.0

Here’s the new version for CK2 2.8.1:

Here are the changes since the last version:

  • Merged in changes from Jade Dragon.
  • Added Eros Plague.
  • Armies spawned by rebel uprisings (peasant, religious, etc.) can now have female leaders where appropriate.
  • Educators from a Catholic monastic order will now encourage former students towards lust.
  • MeMe fixed a bug in the history generation script.
  • The history files have been regenerated to account for the new areas included in Jade Dragon.
  • Immortal characters will still be able to gangbang their troops and use the brothel if they gained their immortality before the maximum ages for those decisions.

Save games created with previous versions of the mod will not work with this version, due to the new trait added for the Eros Plague.

Christianity Mod 1.7.2

Here’s the new version, updated for CK2 2.7.2:

Here are the changes since the last version. In this release MeMe did roughly
half the work.

  • Merged in changes from CK2 2.7.2.
  • New scripted triggers have been added in place of various religion checks for greater flexibility, and to make it possible for authors of other mods with new religions to take advantage of this mod’s events. These are:
    lustful_religion, equality_religion, incest_religion, priestess_whore_religion,
    and adultery_divorce_allowed. Other moders who are interested can find them in
  • Bug fixes and improvements to history generation script.
  • Bookmarks for prominent characters when starting a new game correctly reflect the revised history.
  • Fixed bug with non-Christians finding the Holy Dildo.
  • Bug fixes related to the improved breast size system introduced in 1.7.0.
  • Fix artifact pictures.
  • Tweaks to pregnancy-related events.
  • Catholics with the seduction focus can now get a female bodyguard.
  • The Benedictine Order now has a new background sound.
  • Fixed Monk and Nun nicknames for non-Catholic Christians.
  • Added framework for a major new feature, coming Soon(tm).
  • The usual assortment of vanilla events updated for the mod.
  • The character modifiers for things purchased from the cloth workshop (dress, silk stockings, armor) have now been replaced by artifacts.
  • Catholics no longer require 20 piety to legitimize bastards, since it doesn’t cost them piety.
  • Commanders can no longer gangbang their troops once they reach 50 years old.
  • The Catholic devil worhipper’s counterpart to the orgy (which is not an orgy) should now trigger.

Christianity Mod r1.7.1

This is the most recent release of Christianity Mod for Crusader Kings 2. This is the same version that was released on LoversLab. That site no longer meets my needs for posting, so this is meant to be the new home of the mod. Note that the download is hosted on one of those crappy free file hosting sites, as zip files can’t be uploaded to I strongly encourage people to install an ad-blocker before downloading the mod from the link below: